Sunday, October 17, 2021



On Sunday, we had the privilege to hear the Word preached from our very own Rev. Dr. Suzanne McDonald.

Here are Suzanne’s reflections after a wonderful Sunday morning: “Such a joy and privilege to preach at Fellowship Church this morning - AND to be part of our wonderful AND sermon series!! The Call of Samuel - Good News AND Bad News (I mean, check out the message poor Samuel has to deliver to Eli...) - but always, always in the good news of God's call to us, any 'No' that we might hear from God is for the sake of his greater, redeeming YES, and all of God's promises to us are Yes and Amen in Christ.

Thank you, Jessica Michael-Mix, for the amazing service you put together from just my ideas for where I might be going - the Holy Spirit at work in that, and in the brilliant video for this morning too - and to Ross Dieleman and Nate Schipper for inviting me to share the pulpit. And thank you to so many Fellowship folks answering the call to serve with Kids' Hope!! 50 some mentors - so good to commission them and the prayer partners in worship too! AND there were baptisms on the porch! It has been a great morning!”

Thank you Suzanne!


Sunday, October 24, 2021


Sunday, October 10, 2021