who we are and what we believe
mission, vision, and values
A few years ago, a team at Fellowship sought to define our church values. This team listened to stories from the congregation and then distilled their stories into common themes. After many discussions as a team, and with the greater church, they named the four values of real, unifying, inviting, and equipping. These are both a current and aspirational description of how we want to live at Fellowship. Check out the videos below to see how people have experienced these values in action!
How We Worship
At Fellowship, all of our worship seeks to remember the Story of God while inviting worshipers to respond to the good news of the gospel. All of our worship seeks to invite thoughtful and heartfelt participation in the work of personal and global transformation God does in and through worship.
Our two weekly services each have a distinct style that reflects the natural expressions of the communities that worship at those times. While certain musical styles may be common in a given service, we believe that there is much blessing and wisdom to be gained from borrowing from Christians of all times and places.
We have two services every Sunday morning at 9:00 am and 10:30 am. They are blended worship services, with a mix of hymns and current, contemporary music expressions led by a worship band. Nursery is available at both services. Children and youth ages 3 years - 8th grade are dismissed prior to the sermon for Children & Worship and Sunday School (except on Table to Table Sundays).
Our Welcome Center is just outside the entrance to the Sanctuary. Any of the volunteers there will be happy to answer your questions or help you find your way.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office at info@fellowshipreformed.org.
Fellowship Church welcomes all individuals and families affected by disabilities. If you need assistance, please ask at the Welcome Center.
What We Believe
We are not our own, but belong to God in Jesus Christ. When we gather as a community for worship, we are living into our identity and our calling as the Body of Christ in and for the world.
Worship is first and foremost about God’s action. Worship is not possible without the work of the Holy Spirit within us nor is it acceptable to God without Christ’s mediation. Therefore, our role in worship is to respond in gratitude to the work that the triune God has done in history and is doing in and through each of us.
Worship in community is a central means of transformation for God’s people. We affirm that our primary goal in worship is not to receive, but to offer our whole selves and all that we have to God and to one another. For this reason, we seek to worship in such a way that invites the highest level of thoughtful and heartfelt participation through the creative use of structures, music, creeds, and prayers that are historic and current, local and global.
Worship gives us a glimpse of God’s kingdom fully realized on earth; a kingdom where all of creation is restored, all people participate in God’s Story, and God’s glory floods the earth.
Get Involved
Being involved in worship is central to our life here at Fellowship. There are a variety of ways to be involved, including playing music on the worship team or bell choir, creating art, or serving as a sound or projection tech. Please click HERE to fill out an interest form.
Contact the front office at info@fellowshipreformed.org for more information.
BiGS - Our goals for the year
After studying local and national data along with a congregational survey we have developed goals that align to our values. We affectionately call these “BiGS” which stands for belong, grow, and serve. We, as a congregation, approved these BiGS at our April meeting in 2024. Click the button below to review what we have planned for the year.
Fellowship Reformed Church is part of the Reformed Church in America, a denomination with history in the United States dating to 1628. We are committed to a faith which is Reformed, Evangelical and Ecumenical.
We are Reformed...
We trace our roots to the Reformation of the church which occured in the 15th and 16th Centuries, especially as expressed by John Calvin. The Reformed faith finds its authority in the Old and New Testaments which are our only rule for faith and practice. These scriptures are inspired by God's Spirit and are authoritative in all they intend to teach. The basics of our faith have historically been expressed in four "Standards of Unity": The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession, The Canons of Dort and The Belhar Confession. Our foundational Reformed affirmation is that we are a people who have been chosen by God to belong to God and each other in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, through our fellowship in the Holy Spirit.We are Evangelical...
We believe the supreme revelation of God's grace and love for the world was Word who became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth, who proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and declared the Good News of salvation. We believe we experience forgiveness of sin and abundant life now and for eternity, only by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, and we are called to declare the Good News to God's world.We are Ecumenical...
We are committed to the apostolic faith embraced by the universal Christian church, which proclaims our belief in a Trinitarian God: God the Father, Creator and Lord of all, who graciously upholds and governs this world, and personally cares for us. God the Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior; born of the virgin, crucified, risen and reigning with God as king throughout eternity; the means of our forgiveness; constant source of comfort and hope. God the Holy Spirit, author of our faith, power to live our lives in Christ, sanctifier and renewer of our spirit, giver of gifts for ministry, comforter and guide throughout life's journey.