Elevate: Middle School Ministry | Grades 6-8
Youth Group: We meet Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30pm, September-March, and Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30pm, April-May.
Youth Group is a fun and meaningful weekly gathering where our students build community and engage the Word of God in order to grow in their faith.
We also have other fun events planned throughout the year! Click the button below to view our winter events calendar.

Sunday School
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during the 10:30 service (dismissed part-way through church service).
Join us on these Sunday mornings in the Youth Center, from September through May. Students will grow in their relationship with God as they engage with scripture in various ways.
Summer Trip 2025 - NWMC & Summer Serve
Every summer, Elevate takes a trip that allows students to build deeper relationships with one another and leaders, grow in their faith, and serve others. This summer we are going to Pennsylvania to the New Wilmington Mission Conference: July 18-23. This summer we will also have an additional Summer Serve experience from June 15-18.
If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Cochrane, Minister of Middle School Youth & Communications, at 248-933-0535 or hcochrane@fellowshipreformed.org
HSM (High School Ministry) | Grades 9-12
Sundays 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Connect to God and others through discussions, games, and authentic community. Our hope is that students will experience God's love and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and others through our time together. Find us on Facebook!
Upcoming HSM Special Events:
HSM has special events each month like mini-golfing at Captain Sundae, Boat Day, Crane Orchards, and more. Email hsm@fellowshipreformed.org to receive the special events calendar.

HSM Small Groups are a space where students can connect with others in a deeper way.
Confirmation Class is held each year for students in high school that are interested in being confirmed.
Summer Trip 2025 - TBD!
Every summer, HSM takes a week-long trip to belong, grow, and serve in areas outside of our community. This is a great opportunity for the group to grow closer together and closer to God.
If you have any questions, please contact the HSM team at hsm@fellowshipreformed.org.