Congregational Meeting
We celebrate all of the ways we were able to celebrate what God has been, is, and will be doing in and through Fellowship at our Great Fellowship Get-Together/Congregational Meeting on Sunday, April 28, 2024! We had unanimous approval of our consistory single slate, the BiGS goals, and the 2024-2025 ministry spending plan.
In case you missed it, take a look at the following:
At the end of the meeting we all took the "BiGS plunge" by committing to ways we might be interested in supporting the plans for the future. You, too, can take the BiGS plunge by filling in this form. We look forward to the ways we will all participate in helping to make the dreams a reality.
On April 28, 2024, Fellowship Church will be having lunch together and holding a Congregational Meeting after the second service in the gym (start time approximately 11:45am). If you are unable to attend in person, please join us via Zoom. Click here to join at 11:45am on Sunday.
Here are ways you can be involved:
Provide your feedback by completing this form or feel free to reach out to Stephen Braunius or one of the pastors. The following information might be helpful prior to sharing feedback.
Survey data and research which informed our BiGS goals
Participate in the Congregational Meeting on April 28 in person or online via Zoom at 11:45am.
Meeting Agenda
Welcome + Opening Prayer
Celebrations + Stories
Opening Business | Declaration of Quorum (235) + Approve Minutes + Absentee Ballots
Consistory Celebrations | Outgoing Members, Nominees for Consistory + President of the Congregation
Celebrations + Stories + Table Conversations
Proposed 2024-2025 BiGS Roadmap Presentation
Table Conversations + Celebrations + Stories
Proposed 2024-2025 Ministry Spending Plan Presentation
Questions + Comments + Response
Motion to Approve | Single Slate + BiGS Roadmap + Ministry Spending Plan
Closing Prayer + Adjournment
Frequently Asked Questions
We have information and feedback sessions scheduled both online and in person. Check the top of this web page for times and locations. There is also an online form you can complete with any questions or feedback you might have. Thanks for asking!