Sunday, May 9, 2021

39th Day Sermon Posts.png


Our 39th Day series continued this week with the story of the Devil’s 40 Day Tempt of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 13:1-13). Pastor Ross shared three stories to teach on this passage.

The first was The Parable of a Chinese Farmer, with an emphasis on not rushing to judgements, but taking time to discern whether we are facing a trial or a temptation. The second story was about a professor’s wisdom for alumni, and the importance of focusing on our identity in Christ because everything else is secondary. The third story used The Parable of a Rope and a Barn as the metaphor of us relying on Christ because we cannot do it ourselves. Pastor Ross said it so well: “Even better than copying Jesus, tie your rope to Him. Sure, we can learn some tricks from Jesus about how to resist temptation in life, but we will never do it perfectly, and we don’t have to, because He did.”

In the midst of a 39th Day, discern well, focus on our identity in Christ, and rely on Him.


Sunday, May 16, 2021


Sunday, May 2, 2021