Sunday, June 13, 2021

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On Sunday, Pastor Lindsay brought us the Word in her final sermon at Fellowship, and the last of our “Letters to the Church” sermon series. Her focus was, fittingly, on Paul’s farewell in his letter to the church in Corinth, as Lindsay, too, said her farewell to us.

We have been blessed by Lindsay’s joyful spirit, convicted by her insight, and encouraged by her kindness and smile. It is hard to say goodbye to a family we love, but we are also excited about the ways God is working in and through the Small family, and how He will continue to work in and through Fellowship in this next chapter.

Pastor Lindsay ended her sermon with these beautiful words: “Fareing each other well is giving each other a glimpse of God’s grace, benedicting one another with the promise and seal of God’s limitless grace. So beloved sisters and brothers: farewell, put things in order…live in peace…remember well…and hope well... There is one place that holds all of these things, a table that Jesus used as he prepared to say farewell to His disciples. And in this, the Lord’s supper, farewell is embodied.”


Sunday, June 20, 2021


Sunday, June 6, 2021