VBS | JUNE 9-12

VBS | JUNE 9-12

Sign up open after spring break!

Nursery | Sundays 9 & 10:30am
Year Round

Our nursery is open for infants through age 3! Sign in your child & receive a pager to borrow for the morning. We do not do diaper changes so we will page you if needed. Those who are three by September 1, 2024 will "graduate" to Children & Worship time in September. Our nursery operates as a co-op, so we ask parents with kids who will be in the nursery to sign up to supervise once every 6-8 weeks. The nursery is open 15 minutes before and 10 minutes after each service. Please contact Emily Rosendahl (Nursery Coordinator & Children’s Ministry Assistant) with any questions.

Sunday School | Sundays 10:30am
September - May

Sign in your child at the Check-In Kiosk before the worship service. Kids will start out worshipping with families in either the sanctuary or the Atrium. They will be dismissed during the song right before the sermon, & parents will pick kids up in their Sunday School classrooms following the service. There will be no Sunday School on holiday weekends.

We offer Sunday School for kids 3-years-old through 5th grade. Kids go to their age-specific class and learn about God's story and how they fit into it. Our "Living the Word" curriculum follows the same scripture and theme that is focused on in the Sanctuary.

Children & Worship | Sundays 10:30am
Year Round

Sign in your child at the Check-In Kiosk before the worship service. Kids will start out worshipping with families in either the sanctuary or the Atrium. They will be dismissed during the song right before the sermon, & parents will pick kids up in their Sunday School classrooms following the service. There will be no Sunday School on holiday weekends.

Offered only @ 10:30am for kids 3-years-old through 1st grade. These kids worship in their own space called The Worship Center. They hear stories of God, sing songs, have work time to respond, listen to scripture, and have a feast to remind them of communion.

We look forward to seeing your child for a special worship time together!

Family Worship | Sundays 9 & 10:30am

Family Worship is an informal space for families with young children that allows you all to worship together and praise God with other young families. This is a space & time during both services where we help & equip you as parents to engage with your kids in worship. We will have tables set up at a safe distance from each other. If you plan to worship with us, find an empty table and we will bring all materials that you need right to your table.

We offer a Worship Toolkit (pictured below) for each family to use every week that includes weekly coloring sheets, crayons, Worship Journals, praise ribbons, egg shakers, family resources, & simple crafts that kids can work on. We will give families time to stand & stretch while watching the service on a live feed. 

Fun resources for our kiddos!

Fun resources for our kiddos!

If you have questions about Children’s Ministry, contact Betsy Bruins: bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org

We have found that both kids & parents enjoy these kits!

We have found that both kids & parents enjoy these kits!

See you Sunday!