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Welcome to Fellowship’s Drive-In Service!

We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to creatively gather together for worship here in the parking lot with a brief congregation meeting to follow. A drive in service like this is in Fellowship’s history, and you can expect it to be a memorable experience! 

Tune in! 98.1 FM

Here’s a few bits of detail for the morning:

Gathering Specifics

  • Consistory will be welcoming folks starting at 9:30am. Please arrive early if possible!

  • B.Y.O.C. - Bring your own car/chair/coffee!  

  • There will be a “bulletin” with worship details and info for the congregational meeting.  

  • Check out this map for parking instructions:

FRC Map.png

Health & Safety Precautions

  • If you or someone in your household is feeling sick, please stay home and join us online.

  • The building, including the bathrooms, will be closed except for emergencies.

  • For outdoor gather-ers, masks & social distancing are encouraged not only as self-protection but also as an expression of “loving your neighbor.”

  • Bulletins will be handed out by people wearing gloves.

  • Giving offerings will only be available in the form of large drop boxes at the entrance and exits so as to maintain a “no-touching” model.  Online giving is always available. 

If the weather is especially bad, we’ll cancel the outdoor gathering by 8am on Sunday morning. We’ll email a brief note & post such news online & on the local news. We look forward to this adventure together!

Congregational Meeting

1. Opening Details & Welcome, & Prayer

Please review the minutes from our April 2019 meeting by clicking on the Minutes button

2. Consistory changes

Thank former consistory and welcome new consistory members

3. 6 Month Budget Freeze Proposal

4. 3rd Bucket Giving Proposal

We have decided to split our 3rd Bucket Giving between Good Samaritan Ministries (GSM) Rent Assistance Fund & our ministry partners in Nicaragua.

There are three ways to vote: text your vote to 1.616.207.0048, click the on the Vote button, or honking your car horn!