Bulletin - August 7


Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext.18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Emily Rosendahl, Children's Ministry Assistant, 399-9280, erosendahl@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Nursery & Children & Worship Information – Please see the calendar on the back of the bulletin for C&W times and locations.
  • Red VBS Shirts – Please turn in clean shirts at the Children and Families table near the kitchen and put a check by your name. Thank you!
  • Looking for Sunday School Teachers – Please let Betsy know if you feel God calling you to teach Sunday School grades 1-4. We are also looking for new Children and Worship leaders. Training is coming up at the beginning of August for C&W. Contact Betsy.
  • Wednesday Night Leaders – We have openings for teachers and helpers for GEMS and Explorers Boys' Club for fall. This is a great opportunity for you to fulfill the vows that are spoken when children are baptized..."We promise to support, love, and pray for you and your children...We will tell them the good news of God's grace, we will teach them Christ's way..." Come and join us! Contact Betsy.


Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org

  • HSM Beach Night – On August 10 from 7-9pm come and hang out at Holland State Park. It will be a great time to reconnect with each other during the summer.
  • Volunteers Needed – We are currently looking for adult volunteers for our middle school ministry. If you are interested in learning more about how you can be involved please contact Bryce Vander Stelt.


Lindsay Small, Minister of Discipleship & Congregational Life, 399-9280, ext. 14, lsmall@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Young Adults - You are invited to an End of Summer Party on Saturday, August 27 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Keepers (197 Sun Meadow Court, 49424). Hamburgers & Hot Dogs will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass! Contact Bryce with any questions.


Nate Schipper, Minister of Equipping & Missional Engagement, 399-9280, ext. 17, nschipper@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Shoe & Sock Drive – The mission crew is busy planning a "Shoe Sale" for our friends at Pine Acres. As a witness of our love and care for these children, we will be offering shoes at a deeply discounted price ($1.00/pair) at the end of this month. If you are interested in helping size shoes or be a part of the sale in any way, please contact Pastor Nate or Karen Donker.
  • Volunteers Needed – Fellowship is partnering with several other community agencies through a project known as Meet Up & Eat Up at Pine Acres Migrant Camp. The project not only provides a free lunch for kids up to 18 years old, but also focuses on building positive relationships through reading, playing games, as well as doing arts & crafts. The time commitment is 11:30-1:30 Monday through Friday. Dates volunteers are still needed: August 15-19 or August 22-26. Contact Karen Donker. 
  • Back to School Box – Bethany Christian Services holds an annual Family Picnic/Back to School event for foster and adoptive children as well as their families. Each child receives a new backpack full of new school supplies. Please see the collection box in the Concourse for the most needed items this year. THANK YOU for helping us provide school supplies for these foster and adoptive kids!
  • Breakfast with Baby – will be Saturday, August 13. Current needs are: diapers (size new born, 2, 3, 4, and 5), wipes, and new/gently used summer clothes.


Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org


Lindsay Small, Minister of Discipleship & Congregational Life, 399-9280, ext. 14, lsmall@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Office Staff Transitions – Please be patient with the Church Office as we work through staff transitions over the next few weeks. 
  • Prayers for Campers – Please pray for the staff of Camp Geneva and the children who are attending. Attending this week: Graham Tulgestke, Jordyn Klaasen and Elyse Schurman.
  • All Church Book Read – What does it look like to be Christians who work for justice and reconciliation? How might we bear witness to the good news of God's shalom in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and broader community? Join Pastor Brian in our summer book read, The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right by Lisa Sharon Harper. Copies of the book can be purchased at the Welcome Center for $12. Group discussions will happen Sundays in August at 9am (between services). Contact Pastor Brian with questions.
  • Join the Movement: Seeking Shalom in the wider Holland Community – Fellowship is partnering with Maple Avenue Ministries, Calvary Reformed Church and Pillar Church to bring Lisa Sharon Harper, author of The Very Good Gospel, to Holland on August 14-15.  Harper brings an evangelical faith-rooted approach to advocacy and engaging the local church in the work of justice and peace-making.  Harper was recognized in 2015 as one of "50 Powerful Women Religious Leaders" by the Huffington Post.  Pick up a brochure at the Welcome Center or visit our website to learn more about this incredible opportunity.
  • Installation Service for Pastor Lindsay and Pastor Nate – is on Sunday, August 28th at 6pm. Rev. Jeff Munroe, Vice President of Operations and Advancement at Western Theological Seminary, is preaching. Dessert will be served following. 
  • Thank you! – the Knitting/Sewing Missional Community would like to extend a big thank you for all of the donations of yarn! They are very appreciative of any and all donations as they are always working on projects.
  • Sacred Dance – on August 21, we will be led from our current sanctuary into our new sanctuary by sacred dance. If your child is interested in participating, there is a rehearsal on Wednesday, August 17 at 4:30pm. Contact Pastor Lindsay with any questions.


  • Holy Land Engagement Tour with the Vises! – November 5-18, 2016. Great itinerary and great price ($3750 all inclusive with flight out of Chicago)! Experienced leaders - Marlin and Sally have led 54 tours over 10 years. Dr. Joshua Vis has been involved in Israel-Palestine since 2001. Meet the locals - both Jewish and Palestinian. Brochures available at the Welcome Center. For more information call Sally Vis at 616.610.2425 or email marlinandsallyvis@gmail.com. 
  • Worship on the Waterfront – Free concerts on Sunday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm this summer! Grand Haven Waterfront Stadium, 1 N Harbor, Grand Haven. July 31: Blanca. August 7: 7eventh Time Down. Check out their web site at www.worshiponthewaterfront.org. Any questions? Call: (616) 842-6600. 
  • Good Samaritan Ministries is preparing for our 2nd Annual Wild Run, which will be held August 20th, 2016! – This is an obstacle run for kids ages 4-13 that will be held on the Macatawa Greenway System at Ridge Point Community Church. All of the obstacles will be provided and built by local companies. Registration is open now, and we will be accepting new runners until the day of the race.  All profits will go to our youth programming here at Good Samaritan Ministries.
  • Volunteer Opportunity – Is God calling you to become involved in impacting today's youth and culture? {project} BestLife, a division of Lakeshore Pregnancy Center, serves area schools, churches, parents and teens by bringing sexual and relational health education to students and informational sessions for parents. We are in need of 1 or 2 volunteers to provide a combined ten-hour per-week commitment in an administrative capacity (data entry, making copies, updating schedules, etc.). If you are able to offer a consistent three-hour, five-hour, or ten-hour-commitment per week please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at Sheila.markvluwer@lpcenters.com.



Bulletin - September 4, 2016


Bulletin - July 31