Bulletin - June 26
Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext.18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Emily Rosendahl, Children's Ministry Assistant, 399-9280, erosendahl@fellowshipreformed.org
- Children & Worship Information – Please see the calendar on the back of the bulletin for C&W times and room assignments.
- Thank you! – A big thank you to all volunteers who helped make VBS a success this week. We had around 92 volunteers who so generously offered their time and talents this week. And thank you to those of you who prayed for us and who brought in donations. We couldn't have done it without you!
Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org
- Summer Serve Wish List – this summer our high school summer serve team will be putting on children's camps and doing some repairs to buildings in the community. If you would like to donate to the trip check out our wish list board in the concourse.
- Summer Serve Meeting – our final prep meeting is tonight, June 26, from 6-8pm at Fellowship.
Lindsay Small, Minister of Discipleship & Congregational Life, 399-9280, ext. 14, lsmall@fellowshipreformed.org
- God’s Story, Our Story Devotional Reading Guide – guides through summer are now available at the Welcome Center.
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org
Hand2Hand Needs – Chicken Helper, Fruit Cups, Peanut Butter, Jelly (plastic containers), Pancake Mix, Rice, and Cereal. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Thank you!!
Breakfast with Baby – will be Saturday, July 9. Current needs are: diapers (size new born, 2, 3, 4, and 5), wipes, and new/gently used summer clothes.
Thank you – for your food donations for Hand2Hand Ministries. School is done for the summer, however hungry children in our community still need your help! There are 13 families signed up to continue receiving Hand2Hand assistance throughout the summer. A list of suggested food items can be found on the back of this bulletin, in the concourse by the Hand2Hand bulletin board, or on Fellowship's website.
Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org
Open Worship Band Auditions – will be held June 28-30! Anyone with gifts in music are encouraged to sign up for a time slot by contacting Jordan or filling out the form here. Auditions will be held: June 28 from 2-7pm, June 29 from 1-6pm, and June 30 from 1-7pm. If you cannot make it to one of these dates, additional auditions will be held in August.
Lindsay Small, Minister of Discipleship & Congregational Life, 399-9280, ext. 14, lsmall@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org
- Ordination and Installation – Welcome to our newly elected elders and deacons: MLC Elder-Jason Grant; MLC Deacon-Barb Dobberteen; CLC Elders-Linda Dalman, Chuck Kulier, Anne Reilly-Clegg, Joan Stuttman; CLC Deacons-Heidi Plaggemars, Mike Slager, Mike Thorsby, Bev Vander Hill. These new leaders will be ordained and installed today.
- Outgoing Elders and Deacons – We give God thanks for the faithful service of all those who are finishing up their term: Kim Bos, Linda Dykert, Vonnie Elhart, Bob Ellis, Sherry Graham, Tracy Jansma, Karlene Krause, Joel Russcher, Bob Van Den Brand, Mary Veele and Pat Vorpagel.
- Giving Update – Thank you for the generosity you have shown in stewarding the resources God has given you. As we finish our fiscal year (June 30), please consider giving a special "end of year" gift to help us close the gap on our General Fund goal. We are currently about $100,000 short of our goal, although we have adjusted spending accordingly. Your gift will make a big difference.
- Prayers for Campers – Please pray for the staff of Camp Geneva and the children who are attending. Attending this week is: Dylan Drost.
- Postcards for Service Members – are available again today, June 26, in the Gathering Place. Stop by and write a note to Fellowship members that are currently serving in the military. The Fellowship Angels are asking for help from ALL ages in showing appreciation and encouragement to our active military members in time for the 4th of July. The cards will be collected after the 10am service and mailed to each service member. If you would like to write to a specific service member, please make sure the name is clearly noted on the card. If you would like to write a note on your own card/stationary, please bring it to the office by TODAY.
- Good Samaritan Volunteer Opportunities – the Good Samaritan Crew addresses requests for assistance that come in to the church. This crew is looking for volunteers to periodically assist with a variety of activities. Please sign up on the yellow postcards provided at the Welcome Center.
- Job Opening – we are seeking a flexible, reliable, detail-oriented person for a 30 hour per week office manager position starting July 18. Responsibilities will include front desk work, staff support, mailings, etc. Please go to www.fellowshipreformed.org/jobs for more information.
- Prison Penpals Needed – the Prison Penpals Missional Community is looking for 5 more penpals. Contact Lugene VanderKooi at lugenev@yahoo.com.
- Yarn Donations Requested – the Knitting/Sewing Missional Community is in need of yarn, any color and any brand. Gift cards are also happily accepted.
- Church Office – will be closed Friday, July 1 and Monday, July 4.
- Holy Land Engagement Tour with the Vises! – November 5-18, 2016. Great itinerary and great price ($3750 all inclusive with flight out of Chicago)! Experienced leaders - Marlin and Sally have led 54 tours over 10 years. Dr. Joshua Vis has been involved in Israel-Palestine since 2001. Meet the locals - both Jewish and Palestinian. Brochures available at the Welcome Center. For more information call Sally Vis at 616.610.2425 or email marlinandsallyvis@gmail.com.
- Cran Hill Ranch Hiring Summer Staff – See their website for information and an application. http://www.cranhillranch.com/#!employment/cflh
- My Brothers' and Sisters' Houses of the Holland Deacons' Conference – are presently looking for qualified and caring Christian individuals to become part of their ministry team. They presently have opening for part-time Residential Support Staff during the day, evenings, overnights, and weekends. Interested individuals should contact HDC by email at info@hdccrc.org for more information or to request an employment application and position description. Holland Deacons' Conference, 272 E 26th St., Holland, MI 49423
- Good Samaritan Ministries is preparing for our 2nd Annual Wild Run, which will be held August 20th, 2016! – This is an obstacle run for kids ages 4-13 that will be held on the Macatawa Greenway System at Ridge Point Community Church. All of the obstacles will be provided and built by local companies. Registration is open now, and we will be accepting new runners until the day of the race. All profits will go to our youth programming here at Good Samaritan Ministries.
- Positive Options (a service of Lakeshore Pregnancy Center) – is in need of volunteers to DRIVE the Mobile Medical Center to different events, parades, and outings in the West Michigan area! Do you have experience driving large vehicles (no special license required), have a heart for this ministry, and a little time on your hands? To find out about this unique opportunity please contact amy.aernouts@lpcenters.com.
- City on a Hill Cafe Director – City on a Hill Cafe is in search of a new Director. Qualified individuals will have a heart for ministry and the staff and volunteers and have strong leadership skills. The individual will be organized and have a strong work ethic. The new Director will have a good working knowledge of food service and be Serv-Safe certified. 30-35 hours per week. Call 748-6061 for more info.