Bulletin - March 13
Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext.18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Emily Rosendahl, Children's Ministry Assistant, 399-9280, erosendahl@fellowshipreformed.org
- Children & Worship and Sunday School Information – Please see the calendar on the back of the bulletin for C&W and Sunday School times and room assignments.
- Sunday School H2H Food-of-the-Month – From now through the end of May, we are collecting "The Great Eight" for making breakfast and snack packs. "The Great Eight" are 100% juice boxes, Instant oatmeal packets, Individual serving cereal boxes, Fruit cups, Granola bars, Pudding cups, Fruit Snacks, and Cheese & cracker packets. Thank you!
- Easter Egg Hunt – will be on March 26, 11:00 am to noon for ages 3 to 10 years old. Contact Betsy if you are willing to help organize the hunt!
Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org
- HSM – Tonight will continue with night #2 of our sex and relationships series with our guest speaker Mike Van Drie. Don't worry if you missed last week. We would love to have all high school students join us tonight from 6-8pm in the Youth Center.
- Elevate – We will meet this Wednesday night from 6:15-7:30 in the Youth Center. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are invited to join us.
- HSM Garage Sale – will be on Saturday, April 16, 7am-12pm. Congregation members are invited to bring items for the garage sale to the Youth Center between March 20 and April 13. All proceeds will go toward the Summer Serve Trip to Rosebud Native American Reservation in South Dakota.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext.14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
- Lent Devotional – If you would like Lent specific devotions, RCA Lenten Devotionals are available in printed form at the Welcome Center, or by signing up for one of the devotionals available online at: https://www.rca.org/resources/lent-devotions.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext. 14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org
- Hand2Hand Needs – canned chicken breast, cereal, fruit cups (any variety), tuna fish, pancake mix & syrup, plastic squeeze jelly, canned chili, chicken helper, and fruit snacks. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Thank you!!
- Community Mission Project – Have you ever wanted to go on a summer mission trip? What if there was an easy and fun way for you to get a mission trip type of experience in our own community? Please consider being a part of our Hand2Hand outreach by signing up for a week of lunchtimes (11:30-1:30 M-F) as we develop relationships with neighborhood kids at Pine Acres Migrant Camp. Available weeks are June 13-17, June 20-24, June 27-July 1, August 8-12, August 15-19, or August 22-26. We will be partnering with other community agencies to provide lunch, games, arts & crafts, reading, and a variety of other fun activities. Contact Karen Donker for more information.
Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org
- SUNDAY, MARCH 20 | Palm Sunday – 8am ∙ 9:15am ∙ 10:45am
- MARCH 23 & 24 | Lenten Journey – A self paced experience for all ages. Open 8:30am to 8:30pm
- FRIDAY, MARCH 25 | Good Friday Worship – 7pm
- SATURDAY, MARCH 26 | Easter Egg Hunt – 11am ∙ Ages 3 to 10
- SUNDAY, MARCH 27 | Easter Sunday Worship – 8am ∙ 9:30am ∙ 11am
- This Week's Focus – We Pray for:
- for ourselves, that Christ would keep us awake and watchful in our daily lives.
- for our church and all churches in the greater Holland/Zeeland area, that we would be a sign of God’s kingdom and united in our witness.
- for the church everywhere in our nation and around the globe, that God would overcome divisions and make her an instrument of peace to wake up a sleepy and broken world.
- for our “enemies” who persecute the church, that God would enable us to love them and that the Spirit would change their hearts.
Lisa Braunius, Interim Coordinator of Congregational Care, 399-9280, ext. 17, lbraunius@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org
- Community Potluck & Fun Night – Wednesday, March 30th at 5:45pm. Join us for the last week of Community Nights and bring a plate to share!
- Flowers in the Sanctuary – are in memory of Bryon Scott Carter who passed away on March 16, 2013.
- Easter Lilies – If you would like to purchase an Easter lily ($10) in memory of a loved one, please contact the church office NO LATER THAN March 21st. The lilies will be in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday March 27th. You may take the lily home after the last service on Easter.
- Blood Drive – TOMORROW! Monday, March 14th, 2-7pm.
- Live Simply Jars – During Lent we are collecting change you would otherwise spend on drinks or meals to bless the Bobb-Kelly’s mission in Nicaragua. Their mission is to provide clean water and meals to children. Extra jars are available in the concourse. All change will be collected during Easter Sunday services.
- Let’s Go See the Movie Everybody’s Talking About! – Friday, March 18 to see Risen. You’ll experience God’s Story in a whole new way! Meet at the church at 6:30pm for pizza and fellowship and then head to Star Theater (movie starts at 7:45pm). Ages 13 and up are welcome. Sign up with Anna in the office by Thursday, March 17.
- Prison Pen Pals Missional Community – is looking for 3 people to be pen pals. Please contact Lugene Vander Kooi at 616.212.3176 or lugenev@yahoo.com.
- Young Adult St Patrick's Party – This Saturday, March 19, 6:00pm! Whether or not you are Irish, the Young Adult Ministry would like to invite you to help us eat some authentic Irish food. We will also be kicking off our new series Ed's Story. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Bryce Vander Stelt.
- Vietnam Vets 50th Anniversary – the city of Holland is putting on a 50th anniversary ceremony April 30th for Vietnam Vets and spouses in Centennial Park with refreshments after at City Hall. If you are a Nam Vet or know one, please email your/their name and address to rfprins@yahoo.com as soon as possible, so the mayor can send a personal invitation. Thank you, Bob Prins!
- Second Reformed Church Spring Art Show – featuring works by Joel Schoon-Tanis will run March 20 through June 5. Everyone is invited to attend the show during Open Gallery Hours: Sunday—11:15am to 1pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:30am to 3:30pm; and Friday from 9:30am to 12pm. If you have questions, please contact Hope in the Second Church office at 616.772.2153.
- Brahms’ German Requiem – comes to Holland, MI!
- Learn – The Bible and Brahms’ Requiem. A 3-part presentation by the Rev. Dr. Carol Bechtel. April 6, 13, & 20, 2016 ~ 6:00 to 7:30 PM. First Reformed Church ~ 630 State St.
- Experience - the Performance by The Holland Symphony Orchestra and the Holland Chorale. April 22 and 23, 2016. Miller Center for the Musical Arts at Hope College.
- Save the date! – Rehoboth Christian School from Gallup New Mexico is bringing their fifty-five member student choir to Michigan. They will perform at Harderwyk CRC on Monday, March 28 at 7:00. If you would like to host a couple of students or have more details please contact Mary Johnson at johnson1@unm.edu or 505-870-2454.
- Mindful Aging – Thursday, March 17, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Christ Memorial Church, $4.00 (Includes Lunch), 595 Graafschap Rd. Holland, Entrance D. Join us as Dr. David Sharp, Senior consultant for Trillium Institute, a non-profit advocacy group, addresses the realities of ‘growing old’ and highlights the choices we make that affect both how long we live, and the quality of our lives. CALL 616-820-7482 to reserve a seat, by March 11.
- Clothing Give Away – Saturday, April 30, 9am to 12pm. Men's, women's, and children's spring and summer clothing available to ALL at NO charge. Feeding America Food Truck will there at 10am (first come first serve basis; please bring your own containers). Harvest Bible Chapel, Corner of US 31 and Stanton St, West Olive, Michigan.