Bulletin - March 27


Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext.18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Emily Rosendahl, Children's Ministry Assistant, 399-9280, erosendahl@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Everybody Worships Sunday – Today is an Everybody Worships Sunday. All children 2nd-8th grades are invited to stay in the service with families. Children & Worship and Nursery are still offered. Sunday School resumes April 17. 
  • Sunday School H2H Food-of-the-Month – We are collecting "The Great Eight" through the end of May for making breakfast and snack packs: 100% juice boxes, Instant oatmeal packets, Individual serving cereal boxes, Fruit cups, Granola bars, Pudding cups, Fruit Snacks, and Cheese & cracker packets. Thank you! 
  • Big Reveal for VBS coming next week! – Look for the announcement in the bulletin, through email, and on a video posted to our Facebook page! VBS is June 20-24. Registration for participants and volunteers will start online mid-April.


Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org

  • HSM – will not meet tonight or next week. We will be back on Sunday April 10.
  • Elevate – will not be meeting this Wednesday night. Next meeting will be April 13.
  • HSM Garage Sale – Saturday, April 16, 8am-12pm. Congregation, please bring items for the garage sale to the Youth Center thru April 13. All proceeds will go toward the Summer Serve Trip to Rosebud Native American Reservation in SD.


Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext.14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org

  • New Bible Study on Acts – Join Pastor Brian and Dr. John Brogan (Western Seminary) for a 6 week study on the book of Acts. We will do an in-depth exploration of how the Holy Spirit was on the move in the early church and is still on the move in our lives today! Get ready for a wild ride! Wednesday nights in the Gathering Place from 6:30-7:45pm, April 13 thru May 18. Contact Pastor Brian for more information.


Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext. 14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Hand2Hand Needs – pudding cups, instant oatmeal, cereal, canned chicken, pop tarts, mac & cheese, fruit cups (all varieties), canned spaghetti sauce, and squeezeable jelly (plastic jars only). Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated!  Thank you!!
  • Mission Crew – We are entering the last step of the year long discernment process as we move into Focus Mission Partnerships. This will help us engage our call to serve children and offer them hope and love in the name of Christ! We are sending 4 delegates to join RCA Global mission staff in visiting Adrian and Bernardeth Bobb-Kelly and their ministry in Bluefields, Nicaragua from April 6-10, 2016! Please pray for safe travel, inspiring new relationships, and for growing the vision of how FRC can more deeply partner with God's work there!


Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Sunday, April 24th – we will only have two services at 8am & 10am followed by our annual Congregational Meeting.


Lisa Braunius, Interim Coordinator of Congregational Care, 399-9280, ext. 17, lbraunius@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org

  • Community Potluck & Game Night – Wednesday, March 30th at 5:45pm. Please bring sides, salads, and desserts! FRC will provide pulled pork. Bring cards or board games you love, or just come and play! Invite your family and friends too! We'll have some games on hand as weel as a lego center.
  • Fellowship Dinner Groups – Sign up for dinner groups with FRC members to get to know others in the church family and have a lot of fun. Fill out the form here or fill in a form in the concourse. Groups will be divided into manageable sizes to meet in April and May. Email Tammy Keepers at keeperst@westottawa.net. 
  • Prayer Gathering – Tuesday, March 29 at 7pm in the Sanctuary for the Special Council on Human Sexuality and the RCA. A council of 72 members of the RCA is meeting in Chicago in April to help our denomination seek a way forward together on issues of human sexuality. Congregations and individuals are invited to participate in the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting leading up to the council. Daily devotions are available at the Welcome Center and online (www.rca.org/21daysignup) to guide you. 
  • College Care Packages – We will be sending out care packages to college students in the month of April. If you are a student or a parent of a student who would like to receive a package please email Bryce the student's name and college address.
  • 2016 Consistory Nominees – The Nominating Committee is pleased to present this slate of nominees to serve on Fellowship's Consistory. Lots will be drawn on April 3 to determine a single slate, which will be voted on at the Congregational Meeting on April 24.
    • MLC Elder (1 selected)- Jason Grant & Kathy Wood
    • CLC Elder (4 selected)– Sandy Alverson, Linda Dalman, Chuck Kulier, Anne Reilly-Clegg, Paul Reynen, Joan Stutman, Nance VanLiere, Lynne Vriesman
    • MLC Deacon (1 selected)- Barb Dobberteen & Susan Timmer
    • CLC Deacon (4 selected)– George Dalman, Nate Dreyer, Heidi Plaggemars, Mike Slager, Mike Thorsby, Aaron Tracy, Bev VanderHill, Bob Vorpagel
  • Spring Break Office Hours – In order to allow office staff to spend time with family, the office will be closed April 1 & 8 and open 9am-3pm on April 4-7.
  • New Bible Study on Acts – Join Pastor Brian and Dr. John Brogan (Western Seminary) for a 6 week study on the book of Acts. We will do an in-depth exploration of how the Holy Spirit was on the move in the early church and is still on the move in our lives today! Get ready for a wild ride! Wednesday nights in the Gathering Place from 6:30-7:45pm, April 13 thru May 18. Contact Pastor Brian for more information.
  • 2016 Summer Trip to Israel-Palestine! – We are returning to Israel-Palestine with Marlin and Josh Vis this summer to host an arts camp AND sports camp in Beit-Sahour (near Bethlehem) July 18-30! Sign up today. Registration ends April 15.
  • Discover Fellowship Luncheon Class – Sunday, April 17, 12-2pm. This class is for those who would like to become members or learn more about Fellowship. If you have any questions or to sign up, please contact Mary Veele (616.399.6545  or mike.veele@sbcglobal.net) or the church office. Sign up by Monday, April 11. 
  • Health Fair – on Sunday, April 17 at 8:30am-12pm in the gym. The theme is CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. Come get free stuff, info on safety, fun summer programs, Park Township trails and activities, and have fun! Providers will include: Park Township, Red Cross, Miranda events, Hope College, Hospice of Holland, and several more.


  • Second Reformed Church Spring Art Show – featuring works by Joel Schoon-Tanis will run March 20 through June 5. Everyone is invited to attend the show during Open Gallery Hours: Sunday—11:15am to 1pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:30am to 3:30pm; and Friday from 9:30am to 12pm. If you have questions, please contact Hope in the Second Church office at 616.772.2153.
  • Brahms’ German Requiem – comes to Holland, MI!
    • Learn – The Bible and Brahms’ Requiem. A 3-part presentation by the Rev. Dr. Carol Bechtel. April 6, 13, & 20, 2016 ~ 6:00 to 7:30 PM. First Reformed Church ~ 630 State St.
    • Experience - the Performance by The Holland Symphony Orchestra and the Holland Chorale. April 22 and 23, 2016. Miller Center for the Musical Arts at Hope College. 
  • Save the date! – Rehoboth Christian School from Gallup New Mexico is bringing their fifty-five member student choir to Michigan. They will perform at Harderwyk CRC on Monday, March 28 at 7:00.  If you would like to host a couple of students or have more details please contact Mary Johnson at johnson1@unm.edu or 505-870-2454.
  • Clothing Give Away – Saturday, April 30, 9am to 12pm. Men's, women's, and children's spring and summer clothing available to ALL at NO charge. Feeding America Food Truck will there at 10am (first come first serve basis; please bring your own containers). Harvest Bible Chapel, Corner of US 31 and Stanton St, West Olive, Michigan. 

Of Special Concern March 27, 2016


Bulletin - April 3


Bulletin - March 20