Bulletin - December 27
Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext. 18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Lisa Braunius, Nursery Coordinator, 399-9280, nursery@fellowshipreformed.org
- Everybody Worships Sunday – Today is an Everybody Worships Sunday. All children 2nd-8th grades are invited to stay in the service with families. Children & Worship and Nursery are still offered.
- H2H Food-of-the-Month – Sunday School kids are now bringing in fruit cups. Put your donation on the table in the Gathering Place.
- Sunday School & Community Nights Break – Sunday School classes will resume on January 10. Community Nights are on a break until January 6.
Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org
- HSM – Our next gathering will be on Sunday, January 10. We hope you all have a great Christmas break with family and friends.
- Elevate – We will not be meeting this Wednesday night. Enjoy Christmas break with your families! Our next meeting will be January 6.
- HSM Winter Retreat – All high school students are invited to our winter retreat on January 22-24. The cost is $99. We will be going to Gull Lake Ministries Retreat Center for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Please contact Bryce or Stacey to sign up.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext.14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
- Narrative Lectionary Devotions: January 3-March 27, 2015 – The Narrative Lectionary invites us to slow down the pace and savor the Gospel of Mark during the weeks between Christmas and Easter. We will explore some new ways of engaging with Scripture during the daily readings, which are outlined in the devotional reading guide. We trust together that God’s Spirit will guide our deeper learning as we move in closer to God’s Word and are drawn into God’s mission! New reading guides will be available next Sunday, January 3.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext. 14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org
- Hand2Hand Needs – instant oatmeal, tuna helper, pancake mix, applesauce fruit cups, canned chili, hamburger helper, fruit & cereal bars, and cheez-it type crackers. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Thank you!!
- Breakfast with Baby – will be Saturday, January 9th. Current needs are: diapers (size new born, 2, 3, 4, and 5), wipes, and new/gently used winter clothes.
Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org
- Study Leave – Pastor Brian will be on study leave December 27 through January 9 writing his dissertation for his Doctor of Ministry program.
Marijke Strong, Minister of Congregational Care & Community Life, 399-9280, ext. 17, mstrong@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org
- Office Holiday Hours – The office will close at noon on New Year’s Eve and will be closed all day on New Year’s Day.
- Free at Three Concert Series – Dylan Perez, member of Fellowship, will be performing a solo piano program today, December 27 at 3:00pm at First Reformed Church on State Street in Holland.
- Faith & Physics – Jesus said "I am the light of the world". Have you ever wondered what light really is - from a physics standpoint? Is it possible that light represents God in many wondrous ways you've never considered? Might it be time to explore God in an entirely new way which will energize your soul? This free class will be taught by Rodger Price December 29 (1-5pm) and 30 (8am-12pm) at Fellowship. Please contact Rodger Price at rodgerprice53@gmail.com for more information.
- Consistory Nominations – Leadership matters! This is true in any family, group, organization or community. It is especially true in the life and mission of the local church. This is the time of year when we look to you to help us discern who God may be calling to serve in leadership on Fellowship’s Consistory. All confessing members 21 years or older are eligible, with the exception of those who are ineligible because of recent Consistory service. Please complete a nominations form and place in the ballot box at the Welcome Center or submit names online at http://goo.gl/forms/AjnpAKRG3Q.
- Baptism Class – Sunday, January 10, at 9:15am for parents desiring baptism for their children. Baptism will occur on Sunday, January 24, at the service of your choosing. Interested parents should register for the class by January 4, by contacting the church office.
- Discover Fellowship Luncheon Class – will be held Sunday, January 10, 12-2pm. This class is for those who would like to become members or learn more about Fellowship. If you have any questions or to sign up, please contact the church office.
- Snow Removal Help Needed – Do you love being outside in the winter? We need help with snow removal on Saturdays and/or Sundays this winter. Please talk with Steve Braunius (sbraunius@fellowshipreformed.org) or Dennis Roelofs if you are able and willing to help (pay is available as well).
- Headed South for the Winter? – If you have a change of address during the winter months, please let us know by emailing alarosa@fellowshipreformed.org or calling 399.9280. Also, indicate if you would like to receive bulletins in the mail. Please note if you have mail forwarding from your Michigan address, they will not forward any mail from Fellowship because it is not first class mail.
- 40: The Biblical Story – Special offer through January 31, 2016! See the table in the concourse for more information on how to get your own copy!
- Hospice of Holland – We’re looking for volunteers to offer their time and talents in many capacities: visiting with patients, assisting with life stories, office help and even specialty services, such as legal services, haircuts, and massage therapy. Contact Jodi Wilcome at 616-355-5514 or email her at www.hollandhospice.org.
- College Students – looking for a summer job that matters? Camp Geneva, located in Holland, Michigan, is accepting applications for summer staff and will begin interviewing in January. Positions include: counselors, lifeguards, kitchen, maintenance and many more. Visit campgeneva.org for position descriptions and to print an application.
- Positive Options, the medical services of Lakeshore Pregnancy Center, is expanding our medical staff. We are in need of volunteer training models who are 7-15 weeks pregnant. Dates of training will be Jan. 11, 12 and 15th. All ultrasounds are performed under the supervision of a registered sonographer. Training models are advised to consult with their physician prior to volunteering. Please email val.kuipers@lpcenters.com for an appointment.