Bulletin - December 13
Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext. 18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Lisa Braunius, Nursery Coordinator, 399-9280, nursery@fellowshipreformed.org
- Children & Worship and Sunday School Information – Please see the calendar on the back of the bulletin for C&W and Sunday School times and room assignments.
- H2H Food-of-the-Month – Sunday School kids are now bringing in fruit cups. Put your donation on the table in the Gathering Place.
- Sunday School & Community Night Break – Sunday School classes will have their Christmas parties next Sunday, December 20. That will be the last class until January 10. Community Nights will meet next week, Wednesday, December 16 and then take a break until January 6.
- Christmas Caroling – We would love to have your family join us for caroling with our shut-ins.
- Family Christmas Eve Service – Join us for an impromptu Christmas Pageant at 4:00pm in the Great Room. More details next week!
Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org
- HSM – Tonight we invite you to experience the message of Christmas in a new way. Along with reflection, we will also have a lot of fun celebrating the end of our year together.
- Elevate – This Wednesday night we will be having our Christmas party. Come ready to run and have some fun.
- HSM – All high school students are invited to our winter retreat January 22-24. Cost is $99. We will be going to Gull Lake Retreat Center for a weekend of fun and fellowship.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext.14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
- Please see the bulletin calendar for Small Group and Missional Community gatherings.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext. 14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org
- Hand2Hand Needs – pancake syrup, pancake mix, hamburger helper, peanut butter, jelly, fruit & cereal bars, canned chili, and instant oatmeal. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Thank you!!
Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org
- Together We Shine – The talents and abilities of many people come together to help us make our 3 Christmas Eve Services special. Help is needed with: decorating helpers, pageant guides, and choir, orchestra, soloists, & small ensembles. Contact Jordan with any questions. Scan the QR code or sign up here: http://goo.gl/forms/9OAhcVL3J1.
- Art During Advent – This Advent, there will be a growing art installation at the front of the sanctuary created by Fellowship’s Artist Cohort. Each piece of this installation is inspired by an image from each of the Narrative Lectionary texts for Advent. The project as a whole is designed to help us watch and wait for the coming of the Word of the Lord made flesh in Jesus Christ. This project is made possible through a Vital Worship Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship in Grand Rapids, Michigan with funds provided by Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Marijke Strong, Minister of Congregational Care & Community Life, 399-9280, ext. 17, mstrong@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org
- Blue Christmas Service – for those experiencing sadness or loss. Join us this afternoon, December 13th, at 3pm for a quiet time of music and prayer as we journey together through darkness and look to Christ for light. You will also be given the opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loss. We welcome you into a safe space where it is okay to express both joy and grief.
- Christmas Caroling – SINGERS NEEDED Sunday, December 20, from 5:30-7:30pm. We will meet at church for fellowship and goodies, and then head out at 6:00pm to bless some of the homebound in our community with Christmas carols. Please bring a plate of holiday goodies to share. Sign up at the Welcome Center TODAY!
- 40: The Biblical Story – Special offer through January 31, 2016! 30% of book sales and 40% of art print sales from “40” will be donated by Joel to the Peace Project in Israel/Palestine. See the table in the concourse for more information on how to get your own copy today!
- Consistory Nominations – Leadership matters! This is true in any family, group, organization or community. And it is especially true in the life and mission of the local church. This is the time of year when we look to you to help us discern who God may be calling to serve in leadership on Fellowship’s Consistory. All confessing members 21 years or older are eligible, with the exception of those who are ineligible because of recent Consistory service. Please complete a nominations form and place in the ballot box at the Welcome Center or submit names online at http://goo.gl/forms/AjnpAKRG3Q.
- Share the Holiday Spirit – Bless members of our congregation and community by donating hams. Place them in the 2-door freezer in the pantry at church. Please notify the office if you leave an item. Monetary gifts can be made out to FRC marked Christmas Hams. Thank you for your continued generosity!
- Headed South for the Winter? – If you have a change of address during the winter months, please let us know by emailing alarosa@fellowshipreformed.org or calling 399.9280. Also, indicate if you would like to receive bulletins in the mail.
- Prison Pen Pal Members – Please return copies of Ministry to the Incarcerated to Lugene.
- Yarn Donations – are greatly appreciated by the Knitting Missional Community that is busy making many projects for our community and congregation. Thank you!
- The Mirembe Market – is selling hot fudge, jam, and cookies. They will be delivered mid-afternoon December 19, just in time for Christmas gift-giving. Strawberry or apricot jam: $3.50 for 8 oz. jar; Cookies, fresh baked that day: $3.50 per dozen; or Hot Fudge sauce: $5.00 for 12 oz. jar. Email carolwashburn@sbcglobal.com to place an order. We appreciate your support!
- Snow Removal Help Needed – Do you love being outside in the winter? We need help with snow removal on Saturdays and/or Sundays this winter. Please talk with Steve Braunius sbraunius@fellowshipreformed.org or Dennis Roelofs if you are able and willing to help (pay is available as well).
- Hospice of Holland – We’re looking for volunteers to offer their time and talents in many capacities: visiting with patients, assisting with life stories, office help and even specialty services, such as legal services, haircuts, and massage therapy. Contact Jodi Wilcome at 616-355-5514 or email her at www.hollandhospice.org.
- College Students – looking for a summer job that matters? Camp Geneva, located in Holland, Michigan, is accepting applications for summer staff and will begin interviewing in January. Positions include: counselors, lifeguards, kitchen, maintenance and many more. Visit campgeneva.org for position descriptions and to print an application.