Bulletin - October 25
Betsy Bruins, Minister of Children and Families, 399-9280, ext. 18, bbruins@fellowshipreformed.org
Lisa Braunius, Nursery Coordinator, 399-9280, nursery@fellowshipreformed.org
- Children & Worship and Sunday School Information – Please see the calendar on the back of the bulletin for C&W and Sunday School times and room assignments.
- H2H Food-of-the-Month – Sunday School kids are bringing in boxes of granola bars thru the end of October. Put your donation on the table in the Gathering Place.
- Fall Festival and Chili Cook-Off – Because it is the fourth Wednesday, we will not have regular class time for Kingdom Kids, GEMS, or Boys' Club. Please see below for more details on the intergenerational event!
Bryce Vander Stelt, Minister of Youth & Young Adults, 399-9280, ext.23, bvanderstelt@fellowshipreformed.org
Stacey Duensing, Youth Ministry Associate, sduensing@fellowshipreformed.org
- HSM – will not meet tonight at our regular time, but all high school students are welcome to join us for the corn maze this afternoon.
- Elevate – this Wednesday night we will not have our normal meeting, but all middle school students are invited to take part in the Fall Festival with their families.
- HSM & Elevate to Crane’s – High school and middle school students are invited to join us in an adventure to Crane’s Orchards TODAY, October 25th, from 12:00-5:00pm. Lunch in the Youth Center at noon. Please have students bring $10 to cover the cost of the corn maze and hay ride. Halloween costumes welcome! Parents, if you are willing to help with transportation, please contact Stacey or Bryce.
- Fall Clean Up – HSM, Elevate, and their parents are invited to participate in Fellowship's Fall Clean Up Day on Saturday, November 7th from 8am-12pm.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext.14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
- Check Out ALPHA! – ALPHA is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Class are held during Community Nights on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm.
- Invitation to the Old Testament Class – Now on Sunday mornings only! Join Dr. John Brogan and our intern, Julie Myers, to explore the movements of the Old Testament story with video lessons, discussion and scripture readings.
Janelle Koolhaas, Interim Minister of Discipleship and Mission, 399-9280, ext. 14, jkoolhaas@fellowshipreformed.org
Karen Donker, Kids Hope USA Director and Hand2Hand Ministries Coordinator, 399-9280, ext. 13, kldonker@fellowshipreformed.org
- Hand2Hand Needs – chicken helper, cereal, pancake mix, syrup, fruit cups - all varieties, canned chili, rice, individually packaged crackers & cheese, mac & cheese, pudding cups, canned chicken breast, and canned tuna. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Thank you!!
- Relief for South Carolina – As rain continues to fall in South Carolina, many are being forced from their homes to seek shelter from the flood. Even as the water is still rising, the RCA, alongside their disaster response partner World Renew, is planning a response to aid those impacted by the flooding. If you would like to contribute to these efforts, place gifts marked "South Carolina" (checks made out to Fellowship) in the offering plate, and all funds will be directed through RCA Missions.
- Meet Our Mission Partners! – Adrian and Bernadeth Kelly-Bobb from Nicaragua will be with us in worship next week, November 1st.
Brian Keepers, Minister of Congregational Leadership, 399-9280, ext. 12, bkeepers@fellowshipreformed.org
Jordan Clegg, Minister of Creative Arts, 399-9280, ext. 15, jclegg@fellowshipreformed.org
- Artist Studio Hours – Wednesdays from noon to 8:30pm through May 30.
Marijke Strong, Minister of Congregational Care & Community Life, 399-9280, ext. 17, mstrong@fellowshipreformed.org
Linda Hutchison, Parish Nurse, 399-9280, ext. 22, lhutchison@fellowshipreformed.org
- Thank you! – to Tom and Carol Van Iwaarden for providing the beautiful flowers in our sanctuary during the summer. Though they spend the summers at their cottage, they come home frequently to tend their flower garden. What a wonderful gift!
- Prison Pen Pal Event – Join us as we hear from Ray Lopez, from 70+7, as he shares his story with us. We will meet on Tuesday, October 27, at 7pm in MC33.
- Lost and Found Table – there is a table set up in the concourse of our Lost and Found items. Please stop by and see if anything belongs to you!
- First All Church Community Night Event – Fall Festival & Chili Cook-off on WEDNESDAY, October 28. 5:45—Chili Cook-Off (Prizes for the best recipe!); 6:30— Games & Activities; 7:20—Prizes & Closing. This is an event for the entire family to attend! Activities include bobbing for apples, candy corn bingo, face painting, and many more! Hand2Hand is our mission focus for this event. Please bring food items from the donation list on the back of the bulletin.
- Fall Back! - Don't forget to set your clocks back on Sunday, November 1, 2015.
- Fall Clean Up Day – Saturday, November 7th from 8am-12pm. If you are interested in helping or you have a request for a job to be done at your home, please sign up by contacting the church office.
- CPR Class – is being offered for $10 per person on Saturday, November 7th from 9:30-11:30am in MC32/33. Please contact Linda Hutchison if you’re interested.
- CranHill Ranch Family Camping – Friday August 5 to Sunday August 7, 2016. Forms and money due 11/12/15. Contact Jen Solis at 886-7612 or solisjennifer@att.net.
- Trivia Night – HSM is holding a fundraiser for their annual summer mission trip. We invite you, your family, friends, small group, or missional community to form a team for Trivia Night on Saturday, November 14th at 6:00-8:00pm. Food will be served, free child care provided, and prizes awarded to the winning team. Suggested donation is $10 per person. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or by contacting the church office.
- Headed South for the Winter? – If you have a change of address during the winter months, please let us know by emailing alarosa@fellowshipreformed.org or calling 399.9280. Also, please indicate if you would like a bulletin sent while you are away.
- Pastor Megan’s Contact Info – if you need to contact Pastor Megan, please use her personal email mjhodgin@gmail.com.
- No Heat! – Due to the construction, the Ministry Wing (where the meeting rooms are) is currently without heat. We do not yet know when the heat will go back on. In the meantime, please dress warmly if you are meeting in any MC rooms!
- Hospice of Holland – We’re looking for volunteers to offer their time and talents in many capacities: visiting with patients, assisting with life stories, office help and even specialty services, such as legal services, haircuts, and massage therapy. Contact Jodi Wilcome at 616-355-5514 or email her at www.hollandhospice.org.
- God’s World en Plein Air – a show of original works of art, painted in or inspired by outdoor settings. Guests are invited to enjoy the art show from September 27 through November 19 at Second Reformed Church in Zeeland. More information can be found at www.srczeeland.org.
- Where there's a will there's a way: how a will from 1508 gives us a way into the lives of ordinary people on the eve of the Reformation - is the title of a presentation in observance of Reformation Day. The event will take place Saturday, Oct. 31 at 7:00 PM at 14th St. Christian Reformed Church (corner of Central Ave., Holland). Dr. Suzanne McDonald of Western Theological Seminary will give that illustrated lecture. There will be an offering for expenses to cover the cider and donut holes.
- The City on a Hill Café - is in need of volunteers to help prepare food, clean up and other general duties. Specifically, they need an opener on Tuesday mornings, food prep and an opener on Wednesdays, food prep on Thursdays and Fridays. Openers come in at 6:30 am and food prep come in at 9 am. If you can help in the afternoon, they have needs on Monday –Thursday to help clean up. Lunch is provided to volunteers. Please contact Kerri at 748-6005 or by email to café kerri@coahm.org.